Friday 30 September 2011

Hullabaloo over five-fingered Tester in attack ad (AP)

HELENA, Mont. ? U.S. Sen. Jon Tester of Montana isn't happy about a Republican attack advertisement portraying him with all five fingers on his left hand ? even though he lost three fingers in a childhood accident with a meat saw.

Tester, a first-term Democrat, is being challenged in his 2012 re-election by U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg, one of the best-known Republicans in Montana. Polls have shown the race very tight, and it is expected to be among the most watched in the nation as the parties vie for control of the U.S. Senate.

Both Tester and Rehberg are expected to get plenty of outside help and money in a race that is already very heated early, and is expected to dominate Montana politics for the next 13 months.

The most recent hullabaloo comes over an ad from the National Republican Senatorial Committee that portrays Tester as cozy with Washington, D.C., lobbyists. It also shows a photo of Tester happily greeting President Barack Obama, no doubt aimed at sending a message to Montana voters about the ties between the two.

But the edited photo erroneously portrays Tester as having a left hand with all five fingers. Three of those fingers were taken when Tester, as a child, was working in the family farm's butcher shop.

Tester spokesman Aaron Murphy said "from the made-up photo to the misleading message, the whole ad is an inaccurate picture of Jon and his record of transparency and accountability."

Republicans said Thursday that someone else's left hand was accidentally left in the photo when people in the background were cut out to show just Tester and Obama. The NRSC argues the mix-up doesn't change the message of the ad.

The Republicans have been hammering Tester for taking a lot in campaign donations from lobbyists even though he campaigned in 2006 against the corruption of Washington D.C. They have also been tying him to a president whose popularity has waned in the red-leaning state of Montana.

The NRSC alleges Tester, with his criticism of the photo, wants to shift the conversation away from the content of the ad.

NRSC spokesman Chris Bond said "it's understandable that his campaign would want to distract voters with a phony controversy."

Tester's camp said the senator has made several moves to increase accountability standards in Washington D.C, such as by refusing meals and travel paid for by lobbyists and by becoming the first member of Congress to publicly post his schedule.


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Thursday 29 September 2011

Networking Your Way To Success Online Business

Forums, groups, boards and loops, they are all synonymous for online locations facilitating online networking. Some are entirely public, where everyone and anyone can click the URL, read the messages and if they have no interest in contributing, they can simply hide. Some require active participatin and others require registration before members can participate. These online forums, groups, forums or loops are different from paid subscription sites to the extent that there is no cost to the network in such websites.

Some are active, some are sleepy. Some are strictly for online business related topics, some allow you to interact more OT (Off Topics) and social. There are forums for every topic imaginable: Entrepreneurs, International business online, the fields related to health, technology, Writing, Web Designers, Work at Home Moms, programmers, Finance, Ebay, job seekers, internet, marketing, writers, inventors and virtual assistants, only just scratching the surface of what's out there on the World Wide Web

Time management skills must be paramount when participating in online forums. You can easily get sucked in and spend hours and hours of networking online with other people who have online businesses, even if you miss real opportunities to get some productive work!

From the perspective of business online, there are two areas you should consider before participating in a loop. It's always good to have a network of like-minded people online business. If you are a web designer, hang out with other designers. You can help and support each other. If you are just starting out, you can learn from the pros.

Do not get stuck though, just hanging out with their own kind. You will not be very successful trying to promote their design services for other designers. This is where balance comes in. Pop on the boards, check for new messages of interest, ask or answer questions, then leave. After moving to groups in need of your services or products. Who is your target market and where they go? Go there. Word of caution: Do not go to these forums with the sole purpose of SPAMMING group. You will be tossed out on your ear faster than you can blink if that is their sole purpose. People like doing business with people they know and trust - or at the very least have at least heard of.

If you are trying to sell your resume to a group of parents from school to home and you just pop in, throw your rap sales across the frames then expect any sort of return, you are missing the point of networking. It's network - not advertising. You need to build a relationship with their other Loopies. So if a need arises and they know one of their own fellow networkers has that special skill or product, I think they will call first? You hope it's you.

Inside there are literally hundreds and thousands of groups just waiting for you. Start networking your way to success in online business today!

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Wednesday 28 September 2011

The Thrill Connected With Sailing Vacations ?

There are plenty of options available when you want to go on holiday. Among those options is sailing vacations. There are a variety of pros and cons to this kind of holiday. Allow us to take a look at a few of them.

One benefit is that you are actually away from the busy life of living and working within the city. There isn?t any traffic to aggravate you as there are no vehicles on the ocean. There is no boss to harangue you as he is back at the office mile after mile away. Which means that sailing vacations are a terrific way to de-stress if you?re in need of a rest from your regular life.

Another benefit of sailing vacations is that you can get some physical exercise of sorts. Cruising is quite hard work. You need to work the sails and make certain that the deck stays fairly clean and steer the actual yacht as well. This means that you are not simply hanging out on deck relaxing. You?re actually going to be working a little bit. This can be a lot healthier than just sitting around and will help you stay busy which means you do not get bored stiff.

There are also a couple of disadvantages to sailing vacations however.

You?re stuck on the yacht with whomever else is actually on the luxury boat. Which means that if you begin to aggravate one another then there is absolutely no escape unless of course one of you decides to abandon ship. This is not an issue if you are on a yacht with the love of your life and you have never and will never ever get into arguments or something like that. It?s probable that you will wind up quarrelling about some thing or any other if you take a long enough holiday.

You may get becalmed. Your sailing vacations depend on the wind to move the yacht. If there is no wind you are likely to have trouble going anywhere. Most yachts may have a small motor but that is painfully slow and sailing vacations are said to be spent sailing, not motoring.

Then there is the possibility of rough seas and getting seasick. This isn?t enjoyable at all and may wreck your entire holiday if it goes no long enough.

On the whole however, sailing vacations are a terrific way to unwind. You don?t have to own your personal vessel, you are able to hire a ship that you can manage. You can even employ a skipper and not have to do the sailing yourself. The actual skipper may be persuaded to teach you a bit and also to allow you to take the helm on occasion, but this will be for fun not really because you need to.

If you need to get away from the office for a while and go off grid for a little bit then you might wish to think about going on a sailing vacation. It?s not everyone?s cup of tea, however, you will not know if it?s yours if you don?t check it out.

For more information on sailing vacations, go to


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Improve Retail Business Through Effective Staff Scheduling | When I ...

Improve Retail Business Through Effective Staff Scheduling

Posted on by kparker

With the economic conditions of the past few years, many retail stores have been struggling to stay afloat. When consumers are trying to keep their wallets closed, what can stores do to hit the right balance that brings consumers in, converts them to purchase, and brings them back? We found an interesting article recently in the Small Business section titled, ?What Can a Retail Store Do to Improve?? that speaks to the various strategies stores can use to take their businesses to the next level. As Scheduling Gurus, we see more opportunity for improvement in the four areas author Lisa Dorward highlights. Check out our take:

  • Management: Dorward says, ?Managers face pressure from a range of responsibilities such as increasing sales, controlling inventory, hiring, training and managing employees, minimizing payroll, engaging customers, and monitoring shrinkage, so working with the manager to establish priorities is critial.? We couldn?t agree more. With so many hats to wear, where should a manager start? We recommend simplifying the management of staff and schedule with When I Work. Since managers can manage the schedule, shift swaps and changes, time-off requests anywhere, at anytime, When I Work?s scheduling efficiencies will help give the manager more time for the most pressing priorities.
  • Technology: As Dorward points out, technological advances in equipment have helped retail stores better control their inventory, reduce shrinkage, and more, but what about using technology to better control the schedule? With When I Work?s mobile capabilities, and text/email alerts, ShiftNotes, and more, your staff will be better prepared to take on each shift, and your management will rest-assured that their schedule syncs with the availability of each employee.
  • Conversion: The key to growing retail business is bringing in new customers and driving them to purchase. Dorward says, ??You must track the traffic going through your store ? non-buyers as well as buyers. Tracking conversion rates will help you monitor your progress and refine your strategies.? This is a great strategy for growing conversion, and When I Work can help make this strategy even more effective. With Schedule Templates, you can save schedules that are especially effective for conversion, and use those templates to build new schedules. With Schedule Templates, your learnings from conversion tracking can be transferred directly to the schedule.
  • Customer Service: A great customer service experience drives loyalty, and loyalty drives sales. Quality of personnel is important, but it?s not enough. Dorward says, ??Consistency in personnel is also critical. Turnover in managers and sales staff undermines customer loyalty.? Apart from making sure you hire empathetic, patient, and consistent sales staff, you also want to make sure you meet your staff?s needs. When I Work was built to meet the needs of both managers and staff, which is why we incorporated both schedule availability and schedule preferences for staff. The manager has this information readily available when creating the schedule, so employee needs can be taken into account with every schedule. Since employee satisfaction directly translates to employee retention, which then lends to customer loyalty, let When I Work make management of their needs simple.

With When I Work, retail stores can improve their productivity, employee satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Sign up for a free (no credit card required) 30-day trial, and see how a little technological help can turn into improvements for your retail store.


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Tuesday 27 September 2011

Australian Shepherds For Adoption: Adopt an Australian Shepherd ...

Did you know that approximately 4 million pets are ?put to sleep? each year due to overpopulation? Yes, you read it right. Australian Shepherds are as much at risk as any other pet. I wanted to share this fact because I know it could change your mind about the need to have a brand new puppy. Owners give up their pets for many reasons. Sometimes the owner grows too old to care for the pet properly or no longer earns enough income to do so. Sometimes people are required to move overseas with their job and are not able to take their pets with them. Sometimes pets that are allowed to roam around get lost and can?t find the way back home. And sometimes people chose the wrong pet for their home or fail to train them properly and it just doesn?t work out. No matter what the reason is, the result is often the same. If a new owner is not found in a relatively short time the pet is very likely to be destroyed.

Upsetting right? But take another list at the short list of reasons above and you will see that most of the reasons have absolutely nothing to do with the behavior of the pet itself. It is a common misconception that dogs at the ASPCA or in a rescue program have something wrong with them or are overly aggressive. Absolutely NOT TRUE. Across America there are many rescue organizations the offer Australian Shepherds for adoption and this can be a great way to find your new family pet. These organizations are vital in preventing the destruction of otherwise healthy and well-adjusted Aussies. Their only goal is to give these wonderful dogs a new home and a new life.

If you are sold on the other wonderful qualities of the Aussie and would just like to avoid the puppy stage the adoption is the right choice for you. An internet search in your local area for Australian Shepherds for Adoption or Australian Shepherd Rescue will put you on the right track.

Before rushing out to the first listing in Google, there are some things to consider. First, pick a rescue organization if you can. Dogs that are placed in a rescue center get great foster care in loving homes. The foster parent will probably have spent a great deal of time with the Aussie and can tell you much about his or her personality, previous training, bathroom habits, and activity needs The foster parent may also have a few questions for you. Don?t get offended ? they just want to make sure the adoption is a good decision for you and the Aussie. Some things to think about are ? will anyone be home with the dog during the day, can you provide the level of exercise that an Aussie needs, will he sleep in a crate or be allowed to roam at night, etc. The foster parent can help you think through all these issues. Consider giving on of these great dogs a forever home and adopt and Australian Shepherd now.

JOHN ROBBINS is an Australian Shepherd enthusiast. For more information on Australian Shepherds for adoption and secrets to picking the perfect Aussie for your home and family visit


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Friday 16 September 2011

Dallas Car Insurance - Car Insurance Comparison

According to the 2010 U.S. Census Bureau, the city of Dallas has a population of 1.2 million, and all of the Dallas drivers need Dallas car insurance. The city is located in North Central Texas and is 35 miles to the east of Fort Worth and 245 miles northwest of Dallas. Compare Texas car insurance for FREE with our ZIP code search! We can help you save money INSTANTLY!

Dallas? economy is based primarily in the financial and banking industries, with strong holdings in telecommunications, energy, computer systems, and transportation. This flourishing city also has the one of the highest concentrations of Fortune 500 companies in the United States.

Dallas is a great city for sport enthusiasts. There are over 200 golf courses and the city is home to five major professional sports teams:

  • The Dallas Cowboys (NFL)
  • Dallas Mavericks (NBA)
  • FC Dallas (MLS)
  • Dallas Stars (NHL)
  • Texas Rangers (MLB)
  • NASCAR and Indy racing. The area is also home to more than 200 golf courses.

Dallas DrivingDriving in Dallas

Driving in Dallas is a challenge due to increasing traffic congestion problems. These traffic issues are mainly the result of the massive expansion of the Dallas area suburbs. Mass transportation is extremely limited in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. The ratio of people to vehicles is 1.14 cars to a person. Over 70% of Dallas residents drive to work and the average commute is just under thirty minutes.

The state car laws and speed limits are strictly enforced in Dallas, which is 55 miles per hour (mph) on freeways, and 65 mph on rural interstate highways. In residential ares, the speed limit is 30 mph. Failure to comply with the traffic laws can lead to severe penalties.

Mandatory Dallas Car Insurance Minimums

All Dallas motorists must own auto liability insurance. Anyone driving in Dallas, must demonstrate that they have the ability to pay for any automobile accidents they may cause. All drivers are required by law to have adequate Dallas car insurance which provides the following minimum car coverage:

  • Property damage liability that has a limit of $25,000 per accident
  • Bodily injury liability that has a limit of $25,000 per person
  • $50,000 per accident for bodily liability injury
  • Minimum auto liability coverage in is 30,000/60,000/25,000

It is advisable for motorists to purchase higher liability limits in order to have a sufficient amount of coverage to protect personal assets. Coverage for uninsured motorists is also a wise investment, as this protects policyholders that have been hit by someone illegally driving without car insurance.

Comprehensive Dallas Car Insurance

Comprehensive Dallas car insurance coverage, this is a viable option that fully protects the driver, the vehicle and any passengers. This type of car insurance coverage additionally protects policyholders from incidents such as theft, fire, flood, earthquakes, civil unrest and other acts that are of no fault of the car owner.

Below are some of the Dallas car insurance coverage types:

  • Property Insurance Coverage
  • Liability Protection
  • Medical Coverage
  • Collision
  • Underinsured/Uninsured Driver Coverage

Failure To Carry Dallas Car Insurance

There are severe penalties for motorists that violate state car insurance laws. A first time conviction can result in fines that range from $175 and $350. Second offenses can lead to fines between $350 to $1,000, including a suspension of the driver?s license, as well as the impound fees of the vehicle. Dallas officials also utilize a real time auto insurance verification system that permits law enforcement officers to instantly confirm if a motorists owns liability coverage as required by state law.

Insurance PolicyDallas Car Insurance Contract Terms

There are two auto insurance contract terms that motorists should look out for in their insurance policies:

  • Actual Cash Value -?If the vehicle is beyond repair, as a result of an accident, the policyholder will be paid the fair market value for the automobile during the time of the car accident. If auto payments are still being made on the vehicle and it has significantly depreciated in value, then the fair market value could end up being less than the actual amount that is owed on the car. There is an alternative type of coverage, called gap insurance, that can cover this kind of financial loss.
  • Excess Provision -?This is not to be confused with the deductible. This contract term describes the minimum amount that a claim has to be before the insurer will pay. For instance, if the excess amount is $15,000, the insurance carrier will not pay the policyholder until the claim exceeds $15,000. A policyholder that has collision insurance with an excess provision of $15,000 manages to incur $14,999 of damages to their vehicle, will not receive any payment from their insurer.

Dallas Car Insurance Companies

There are many quality Dallas car insurance companies. When selecting a policy, it is advisable to investigate the company to make sure they are a reputable insurance provider. Motorists should stay clear of fly-by-night companies, that they are not familiar with, and have only been in business for a couple of years. It is important to select a reputable carrier, with several years of experience, that pays out its policies when a claim is filed.

It is safer to purchase Dallas car insurance from a company that is established and has a solid business reputation within the insurance industry. There are several national insurance organizations that rate the performance of insurance carriers. Motorists can also check with an auto insurance agent for a listing of state licensed Dallas car insurance companies that offer affordable car insurance.

There are also a number of online car insurance agencies that make this process much faster and motorists can receive several quotes from the comfort of their home. Live agents are available to answer any questions regarding different car insurance options.

Dallas Car Insurance Rates

The mean Dallas car insurance rates for motorist is $1,541 annually. This rate is 3.23 percent lower than the average for Collin counties. It is also 16.88 percent higher than the average rate for the entire state of Texas.
There are a number of rating factors that help to determine car insurance coverage estimates. Other factors include:

  • Amount of Time
  • Age of Vehicle
  • History of Accidents
  • Vehicle Mileage

In order for motorists to ensure they are receiving the best rates, it is important to look up online car insurance.

Automobile Fatalities Statistics

According to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System reports of 2008, Automobile fatalities in Dallas were as follows:

Dallas Car Insurance Quotes

Dallas auto insurance policies are available in either six month or 12 month plans. Individuals that are looking for a new car insurance policy should compare the different rates among the top auto insurance companies as well as the quality of the coverage. Comparing rates online is the most effective method to gather information on several Dallas auto insurance carriers.

It is important to note that cheap insurance should not be the primary focus when shopping for Dallas car insurance coverage. A low priced policy may not offer the adequate amount of protection required by the law or the quality of the plan may be sub par. It is possible to find affordable as well as quality insurance coverage.

Motorists must consider several different factors, when selecting an insurance policy. Working with a Dallas car insurance agency will help make the search a lot easier for motorists that may be confused about the different available options and exactly what type of coverage they need.

Instant quotes can be effortlessly obtained online by using our ZIP code search! Hundreds of Dallas car insurance carriers permit online users to purchase a policy online. Enter your ZIP code and compare car insurance INSTANTLY and for FREE!



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Thursday 15 September 2011

The Abc Of Homeschooling | The Article Corner

By Victor Hood

Sometimes homeschooling is not a matter of choice, but of necessity. Among others, this happens when the prospective student is mentally or physically handicapped. Common reasons are problems with mental ability, emotional immaturity and social incapability. Still, there are a lot of things that you have to consider before putting your child to homeschool.

Will it be to the child?s best interest?

If the child is to be homeschooled, are you aware of or has considered the possible effects on the child, on you as parent, and on the rest of the household not only now but in the future? One factor that should influence the decision one way or another is the disruption on the lifestyle of everybody concerned, especially the parents who will assume the mantle of responsibility over the child?s education. Another important consideration is if the family is ready for the responsibility of following a structured curriculum in a vastly unstructured environment.

Will the child gain more from homeschooling? Up to this point, homeschooling is considered as a departure from the conventional way and the child will likewise have to be brought up somewhat different from the traditional way. For example, the parent should realize that the child will be deprived of the experience to mingle and socialize with kids his own age.

Now, if the child is in that age where he is aware of and is practicing his power of communication, and at the same time he finds enjoyment in the presence and company of other children, you can imagine his feeling of frustration and its effect if he finds himself in isolation. The best the parent can do under these circumstances will be to take advantage of all opportunity to involve his kid in group activities like art or music classes, sports programs, community projects, etc.

Getting the right curriculum

What good is a homeschooling program when the curriculum is not at par with the ones being used in traditional schools? It is therefore important to put emphasis on the subjects that the child will be learning at home as well as the skills that he or she will be developing.

The parent can ensure that the child?s home education is on the right track by seeking the help of professional educators. The internet is also an excellent and exhaustive source of information and reference materials. There are also examples of curriculum that are provided by both government and non-government organizations that support homeschooling programs.

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Posted in Reference & Education | Tagged children, Children and Education, education, family, home, Home and Family, home school, Home School and Education, home schooling, parenting, reference, Reference & Education, reference and education, school

Related posts:

  1. Homeschooling Facts
  2. General Information About An Online Homeschooling Program
  3. Homeschooling And Its Perks
  4. An Overview Of Homeschooling
  5. Can Homeschooling Your Children Help You Build A Stronger Family Bond
  6. Homeschooling; How It Helps Preserve Family Values At Home
  7. Homeschooling And The Family
  8. The Facts Of Home Schooling Programs
  9. Homeschooling and the Issue of Socialization
  10. How To Select The Best Home School Program


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Wednesday 14 September 2011

Impropriety Aside

Impropriety Aside
A Private RP between JW Reilly and Yolo


"Corporate Casual Day is a company event," Aurora had to keep reminding herself. "Nothing to be afraid of. You've been to plenty of these things, and this one will be no different." She took a deep breath and sank to her shoulders in the now rapidly cooling bath water. She always got nervous before these types of things. It wasn't as if she was afraid of anything, it was just that she knew there were going to be company heads there, and she would have to put on her best. Of course, for here there was no need to; she was fine with her current position, and she was confident that she would stay comfortable there for a while.

"Rory dear," she heard her boyfriend calling worriedly from outside the bathroom. "Are you almost finished?"

"Sorry, Matt. I'll be out in a moment!" she called back, lifting herself out of the water. She flicked a switch and the shower came on, rinsing the remaining suds from her body. Wrapping herself in a towel, she opened the door to find Matt standing there, looking as if he was going to simply explode.

"Oh, you could have just-" She started to say but was cut off as Matt pushed past her and slammed the door in her face. "-come in. I wouldn't have minded." She chuckled and made her way down the hall to the bedroom, shedding her towel as she walked inside and closed the door behind her. As she dressed in her underwear, she tried to find a comfortable frame of mind for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, she didn't have the luxury of bringing Matt along, as he would be visiting his family and she didn't want him to change his plans.

Ah, Matt. She liked everything about him. The way his blond hair shined in the sunshine, and the way he was always smiling. And the way he upgraded all the software on her computer the other day without me even asking, and the way he ... he ...

"Are you talking about me by any chance?" came a voice from the doorway, startling her out of her thoughts. Aurora turned to find Matt leaning against the doorway, smirking at her. She hadn't realized that she'd been thinking out loud. A bad habit of hers, that was. "Does my hair really shine in the sunshine?"

"Of course it does," She smiled, sauntering over to him and giving him a delicate kiss. "And thank you for the upgrade. I don't believe I ever said it." She turned back around and faced her closet, placing her hands on her hips. Matt came up behind her and looped his arms through hers, leaning his chin on her shoulder.

"What should I wear, Matty?" She asked him, closing her eyes and trying to envision the perfect outfit. It was casual day after all so she couldn't be too dressy, but she should be dressy enough to impress.

"How about that violet sundress you like so much? It looks great on you," Matt suggested, detaching himself from her and pulling the item of clothing out of the closet. "And you could wear it with those sandals your mother got you a few weeks ago." Aurora smiled. Another thing she loved about Matt was that he had an impeccable sense of style. I guess it helped that he grew up with three older sisters.

"You read my mind," she replied, slipping easily into the dress and searching around for the shoes in question. Matt gathered his clothes from yesterday as she rummaged through the drawers on her vanity table.

"Are you leaving me so soon?" she pouted, eliciting a chuckle from him.

"I have to go now. Otherwise, I wont be able to meet Kitty and Lydia at the train station on time," he said, walking over to her and pulling her into a hug. Kitty and Lydia were two of his sisters; the other, Elizabeth, was in Spain, shooting photos for a nature magazine she worked for. "I'll call you when I'm on my way back, okay?" His mother lived only thirty minutes away by car.

"I'll be waiting," she said, giving him a peck on the cheek so as to not smudge her lipstick too much. "Wish me luck."

"I'm sure you'll do fine, Rory," Matt reassured her as he made his way towards the door. "Any one who doesn't fall for your charm has got to have a bag of bricks for a brain."

"Wonderful," she thought as she watched him drive away. "I'll just have to make sure that I don't meet any suspicious looking bags of bricks."


The casual day was happening at A&M House, which was the A&M Inc's country house not too far outside of town. The company used it for training and conferences none of which she had ever gotten invited to, so she had never been there before, and as she got out of the taxi, she had to admit that she was pretty impressed.

"Fabulous Georgian architecture," she overheard someone say as they crunch past on the gravel drive.

She followed the sounds of music and walked round the house to find the event in full swing on the vast lawn. Brightly colored bunting is festooning the back of the house, tents are dotting the grass and a band is playing on a little bandstand.

"Aurora!" she looked up to see Liam Wiley advancing towards her, someone trailing behind him at a reasonable pace. Liam was a friend from work (his desk was just down the hall from his) and it made her happy to see a friendly face so soon.

"Liam!" she gushed right back, walking a few paces to meet him halfway. "Good to see you!" They shared a brief hug before she realized that the person who had been following behind Liam had now caught up.

"I'm Aurora," she said, holding her hand out to him. "Pleasure to meet you Mr..."

OOC: So here is the first post. I am not expecting yours to be this long (I kind of went wild with this). Looking forward to seeing what you have in store!


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McCoy SS, Thames LF, Bautista RF, Lind DH, Lawrie 3B, Johnson 2B, Cooper 1B, Arencibia C, Loewen CF, (McGowan P)

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Entergy, Vt. square off over nuke plant's future (AP)

BRATTLEBORO, Vt. ? A newly released internal email from Entergy Corp. shows the company desperately trying to shore up flagging public support in Vermont in the weeks before and after a state Senate vote last year to close the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant.

The memo, from Curtis Hebert, a former Entergy vice president and former chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, was made public Monday in a federal court trial in which New Orleans-based Entergy is suing the state of Vermont for moving to shut the plant down when its initial 40-year license expires next March.

Hebert's May 6, 2010, email to Entergy CEO J. Wayne Leonard came after revelations that January that radioactive tritium had been leaking into soil and water around Vermont Yankee, and that plant officials had misled state regulators and lawmakers by saying the plant didn't have the kind of underground piping that carried tritium.

Hebert cited several reasons Vermont political leaders ? Democrat, Republican and Progressive ? were upset with Entergy in the winter of 2010. The state Senate defeated a bill that February to allow Entergy to seek regulatory approval to continue running the plant. The reasons for the state's angst included:

? The January 2010 announcement that radioactive tritium was leaking from the Vernon reactor, and the revelation a week later that plant personnel had misled state lawmakers and regulators;

? A plan by Entergy, since scuttled, to sell Vermont Yankee and four other nuclear plants to a newly created company that many state officials thought was not being set up with enough money to run a fleet of nuclear plants;

? Resistance by the company to the demand from many lawmakers that Entergy put more money into the fund to pay for dismantling the plant when it stops operating;

? The failure by Entergy and Vermont's power companies to agree on a deal under which the companies would buy power from Vermont Yankee if it ran past the end of its initial license's expiration date in March of 2012.

Hebert wrote of the company's misleading statements about underground piping. "The evidence was clear that the testimony (before the Vermont Public Service Board) had been incomplete, and this had a corrosive effect on our supporters throughout the state, particularly our strongest and most visible supporter: (then) Vermont Governor James Douglas, who stated he had lost confidence in Entergy and VY."

On the corporate spinoff plan he wrote: "The implosion of Wall Street and a number of high-profile corporate bankruptcies in 2008-2009 added to this general sense of mistrust and malaise."

The Hebert memo could help the state establish it had reasons for closing Vermont Yankee aside from concerns about nuclear safety. In its suit against Vermont, the company maintains nuclear safety is the state's main worry, and that federal law pre-empts the state from taking action on that topic, leaving it solely to the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The trial, being heard by Judge J. Garvan Murtha without a jury, is expected to last through Wednesday, followed by a chance for lawyers to file follow-up briefs. It's unknown when the judge might rule.

Earlier Monday, Entergy Vice President Marc Potkin testified that he felt heavy pressure from state officials to sell power at a price favorable to Vermont utilities if his company wanted the state to allow the plant to continue operating.

The plant's flagging political fortunes influenced the talks on the power-purchase agreement, Potkin said. He was eventually told the electric companies wouldn't sign a deal to buy power from the plant unless Entergy sold it. Entergy put it on the market last year, but got no takers.

In her opening statement, Entergy lawyer Kathleen Sullivan said Vermont was trying to close the plant because of concerns about the safety of the reactor. But, she said, the state is pre-empted from doing that because under federal law, nuclear safety is in the sole jurisdiction of the NRC. She said the state would offer other reasons ? concern about the plant's reliability and economic impacts, for instance ? but that those were "pretexts for nuclear safety."

Entergy is also arguing that since it will be selling power from Vermont Yankee into the wholesale power market and not to Vermont utilities, the state should have little or no role in regulating it.

Assistant Attorney General Scot Kline, arguing for the state, said New Orleans-based Entergy signed an agreement saying it would agree to state oversight when it bought the plant from a group of New England utilities in 2002.

"This case is really about honoring commitments," he said.


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Tuesday 13 September 2011

Obamas place wreath at Flight 93 memorial

A bereaved family member mourns near the Wall of Names near the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa. Sunday Sept. 11, 2011. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta)

A bereaved family member mourns near the Wall of Names near the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa. Sunday Sept. 11, 2011. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta)

Wally Miller, Somerset County Coroner, weeps on stage before delivering a litany at the Flight 93 National Memorial Serivce near the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa. Sunday Sept. 11, 2011. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama lay a wreath at the Wall of Names at phase 1 of the permanent Flight 93 National Memorial near the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa. Sunday Sept. 11, 2011. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett, left walks with his wife Susan after viewing the Wall of Names near the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa. Sunday Sept. 11, 2011. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta)

A bell is rung during the reading of the names of passengers and crew who died on Flight 93 during memorial services near the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa. Sunday Sept. 11, 2011. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, placed a wreath at the Flight 93 National Memorial on Sunday, arriving at the site to pay respects to the 40 passengers and crew who died a decade ago Sunday.

Obama and his wife, Michelle, visited the Wall of Names. Each of the 40 marble slabs is inscribed with the name of someone killed in the crash of United Flight 93 on Sept. 11, 2001.

Some 3,000 people, including thousands of regular citizens, were gathered at the Flight 93 memorial as Obama walked to a security barricade to shake hands. Others took his photo and sections of the crowd chanted "USA! USA!"

One man called out: "Thanks for getting bin Laden!" a reference to the death of Osama bin Laden, killed by U.S. forces in Pakistan earlier this year.

Jaleel Dyson, 18, came to the memorial to honor the victims but was excited to shake the president's hand and get a picture of him on his smartphone.

Dyson, who is from Washington, D.C., but attends college in the area, said he also attended the president's inauguration in January 2009. He said the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks was more important.

"I think it's just important that the president shows his support for the families that lost loved ones," he said.

The visit comes as the families of the 40 passengers and crew were praised for helping to inspire a new generation of Americans while keeping the memories of their loved ones' dedication and courage burning brightly.

At a ceremony marking a decade since the Sept. 11 attacks, nearly 5,000 people listened as the names of the passengers and crew who were killed were read aloud while bells tolled. Afterward, a choir sang as those in the crowd ? including family members, first responders, politicians and nearly 1,000 others who came to participate ? listened intently.

"Over the past 10 years we have heard this place compared to many other places" including the Alamo and Gettysburg, Gov. Tom Corbett said at the newly dedicated national park that marks the site where Flight 93 crashed. "But the truth is that this place is like no other because the deeds aboard Flight 93 were like no other."

Corbett said the victims "charted a new course, set a new standard for American bravery."

Sunday's memorial service at the Flight 93 Memorial, about 60 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, was being held in concert with ceremonies in New York City and Washington, D.C., where other hijacked jets crashed into both towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Former Gov. Tom Ridge, the nation's first head of homeland security, thanked those who came to the memorial for Sunday's service.

"I think your presence today means almost as much to the families, perhaps as much as the memorial itself," Ridge said. "Your very presence is a powerful message of comfort and understanding and love."

The families then turned and gave the visitors a standing ovation.

Ridge went on to pay tribute to the victims, saying their actions prove "Americans don't live in fear, we live in freedom"

Gordon Felt, brother of passenger Edward and president of the Families of Flight 93, directed some of his comments to the relatives of the other victims.

"I only wish I could have gotten to know each and every one of you under different circumstances," he said. "We lost too much."

Visitors to the Flight 93 service observed moments of silence at 8:46 a.m. and 9:03 a.m. ? the times when two other airliners were crashed into New York's twin towers. They did the same at 9:37 a.m., when a third airliner hit the Pentagon.

There was no moment of silence at 10:03 a.m. at the memorial, but the emotion there was evident.

Susan Stine, 52, of Tamaqua, Pa., said she has come to the Flight 93 crash site to mark the anniversary each year.

"Everybody was going to New York for the first anniversary and we came here. I can't imagine not being here on 9/11," Stine said.

"The first time, I wanted to come here to see how it was, and it was amazing. I feel differently when I leave here every year," she said. "I feel better in my heart."

U.S. Rep. Mark Critz, D-Pa, choked up as he spoke about the Wall of Names, a series of 40 marble slabs inscribed with the names of the victims.

Told that the pattern of the wall delineates the flight path of the jet before it crashed, Critz said, "Ten years of emotion came rushing in."

The passengers aboard Flight 93 were hijacked after taking off from New Jersey.

Flight 93 crashed after passengers and crew, some alerted by cell phone calls from loved ones about the New York attacks, decided to try to wrest control of their plane from four hijackers.

The plane crashed during the struggle, and investigators later determined the hijackers intended to crash it into the Capitol in Washington, D.C., where the House and Senate were in session that morning.



Flight 93 National Memorial:

Associated Press


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Monday 12 September 2011

US business mission eyes Saudi agro-food deals - Agriculture - Zawya

JEDDAH: Top American firms are seeking new partnerships with leading agriculture and food companies in the Kingdom.

There are also plans to promote Saudi dates in the US as a healthy snack and a new addition to the American diet, according to the US-Saudi Arabian Business Council (USSABC).

The council is leading a delegation of 15 US companies to the Kingdom from Sept. 17 to 24. These firms are involved in agriculture, water and food industries.

Major companies include Schreiber Foods, Turkey Hill Dairy, Oregon Hay Products, and Holstein Association USA, Inc.

The mission consists of top companies specializing in agricultural production, irrigation, livestock breeding, processed and halal food, organic fertilizers, soil treatment, animal feed and feed additives, land-use mapping, and low water use grass seeds.

Participants of the business development mission will exhibit at Saudi Agriculture 2011/Agro-Food show in Riyadh.

The delegation will be located within the American Pavilion at the event with a total of five booths.

In conjunction with the show, the Business Council will facilitate one-on-one meetings with leading Saudi agriculture and food companies for potential partnership.

"The Business Council recognizes that food security is of utmost importance to Saudi Arabia," said Edward Burton, USSABC president and managing director.

"This is the second time the Business Council has attended Saudi Agriculture/Agro-Food, and we have made it a priority to support the King Abdullah Food Security Initiative."

One of the companies who took part in last year's mission, The Royal Palm Group, will announce with Othaim Markets, a new all-American Halal poultry production for the Kingdom.

Iowa and Wisconsin, known for their natural feed grain and pure water, are raising the chickens for the contract to supply Othaim Markets. The value of the contract will be announced at the Saudi Agro-Food Exhibition.

Likewise, the Royal Palm Group, intends to establish its new Palm Date Company in Saudi Arabia in order to buy, pack and export Saudi Arabia's best palm dates to the US.

"We intend to make the Saudi dates famous in America as a healthy snack and a new addition to the American diet," said John Parke Wright IV, managing director of the Royal Palm Group.

The mission program includes briefings from Tahwid Al-Saffy, director of the Agriculture Trade Office at the US Embassy in Riyadh and Samir Kabbani, chairman for the National Agriculture Committee at the Council of Saudi Chambers.

Delegates will also hear a presentation from the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA).

The Business Council is organizing a number of events for the delegation including a reception at the Riyadh Equestrian Club on Sept. 21for leading company executives and council members.

On Sept. 24, the delegation will visit the Al-Ahsa Chamber of Commerce and Industry to hold talks with local farming and agribusinesses.

Saudi Arabia is the largest market in the Middle East for agriculture products and technologies.

The sector has recently averaged an 8 percent annual growth rate, due in part to a rapidly growing population.

Reflecting the government's strong support of the sector's continual development, agriculture, water, and infrastructure projects received $13.55 billion of the 2011 government budget, an increase of 10.4 percent over the previous year.

The US-Saudi Arabian Business Council is a non-profit organization that works to improve the mutual knowledge and understanding between the private sectors of the US and Saudi Arabia and promote and facilitate increased bilateral trade and investment.

? Arab News 2011


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Sunday 11 September 2011

A Definition for Business Ethics?Facebook ... - Change Management

Posted by admin491 on September 9th, 2011

F_ webe-book is supposedly testing pgood cthe only thinged for?Smgood Lists? which generfriend seems to group your friends by people you work with: people you join school with: a recentd the who live within 50 miles of your current city.

The fefromure has been firstby Nick Starr: who tweeted the following screen shot:

The extent of the testing is unclear: which may or may not turn into a principingstremorning fefromure: nonetheless it kind of seems like one F_ webe-book is encourgetting older users to use F_ webe-book in wherein has madverte Google+ pull ining its users Lists? the separ of friends.

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The reing good thing more or less GoogleFacebook?s Circles the way it launched wonce the eautomotive service engineers of the Circle-specific sharing functioningity.Technical Change Management Process. ItChange Management Plan?s easy to know who you?re sharing a recent goodicle with when. Appget notly recognizing this for idea: itto implement similar controls.

ItConceptual Models for Change Management?s not as Google+?s entire interf_ web wasn?t influenced by F_ webe-book though: so it seems pretty fair. Maybe by the time itsmart?s the only thing sclyefit a recentd done: F_ webe-book a recentdManaging Change Google+ will be extake effectly thListse smorninge.Change Management Articles.

F_ webe-book has eventufriend been retired into the Twitter idBusinessea swimming pool forkind a second time lconsumedly ingso. Check out the recent.


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Cubs rally after for win after blowing late lead

Randy Wells


updated 6:01 p.m. ET Sept. 10, 2011

NEW YORK - With first base open and the Cubs' best run producer at the plate in the ninth inning, Chicago manager Mike Quade was relieved to see the Mets pitch to Aramis Ramirez.

Ramirez came through, too, hitting a two-run single with two outs, lifting the Cubs to a 5-4 victory over New York after they blew a three-run lead in the eighth Saturday.

"These are the decisions you live and die with," Quade said. "The question doesn't get asked unless Rami gets a base hit, does it?"

Jason Bay had given the Mets a 4-3 lead in the eighth with a two-out, two-run single. But some more sloppy play by New York in the ninth on an overall rough day in the field and another meltdown by Bobby Parnell (3-6) helped the Cubs even a three-game series that will culminate with a ceremony Sunday to mark the 10-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The Mets are offering free tickets to New York City first responders and their families for that game.

The Mets won the opener Friday night in the ninth after blowing a lead in the top half.

Afterward, workers painted the logo being used Sunday onto the Citi Field grass in foul territory, about 50 feet down the first- and third-base lines: a stars and stripes rendering of the MLB logo laying on top of red and blue ribbons, encircled by the saying "September 11, 2001. We shall not forget."

In the outfield, several dozen people constructed an enormous American flag out of red and white fabric strips. The blue and white stars section came in one piece that covered much of left field.

The Cubs built an early 2-0 lead with help from two errors by Jose Reyes in a dog of a game through seven innings on Bark in the Park day, a benefit for the North Shore Animal league. There were 332 dogs in attendance along with 30,443 people.

David Wright made his second error and New York's fourth of the game ? the team's most since Aug. 4, 2010 ? when he couldn't handle Geovany Soto's grounder leading off the ninth.

Pinch-hitter Bryan LaHair doubled to put runners at second and third. Parnell then got two outs ahead of Ramirez. Collins considered walking Ramirez but he was thinking of his young closer.

"The one thing that enters my mind is I didn't want to put Bobby in that: He can't miss, I've got to throw that ball over the plate," Mets manager Terry Collins said.

Ramirez then lined an opposite-field single to right for the go-ahead runs. Parnell has been given an opportunity to earn the closer role for the Mets but he has blown five saves in 10 chances.

"I feel like I didn't give him anything good to hit," Parnell said. "I got a groundball out of it. Unfortunately it was in the hole."

Kerry Wood (3-5) earned the win even though he gave up two runs in the eighth in relief of Randy Wells, who pitched neatly into the eighth inning.

Carlos Marmol gave up a one-out walk in the ninth but finished for his 34th save in 43 opportunities.

Trailing 3-0 in the eighth and having wasted several opportunities against Wells, the Mets scored four times after pinch-hitter Willie Harris walked leading off, the third time they had the leadoff batter reach in four innings. Reyes followed with an RBI double to end Wells' day.

Wood entered and gave up a hit to Ruben Tejada and an RBI single to Wright after striking out Lucas Duda. Angel Pagan struck out and Wright stole second without a throw when the count was 0-2 to Bay.

Bay then lined a hit over leaping shortstop Starlin Castro for two runs, wasting another strong effort by Wells.

"All I care about is if the team wins," Wells said.

Most of the dogs were gone by the time the Mets mounted their eighth-inning rally to take a 4-3 lead.

Marlon Byrd had an RBI double in the eighth inning off Ryota Igarashi after Chris Capauno pitched seven impressive innings for New York to make it 3-0.

Reed Johnson doubled and scored in the first when Reyes jumped to catch Jeff Baker's sharp line drive right at him but dropped the ball. Johnson then added an RBI fielder's choice in the fifth a batter after Reyes fumbled Starlin Castro's grounder before he tried to make a throw to second for a forceout.

"It's no one person's fault that you lose a game," Wright said. "Collectively there's a lot of things we could have done to win this game."

Wells has not lost since July 28 when his ERA was 6.16. In eight starts since then, he has lowered it to 4.73. The right-hander didn't allow a baserunner until Mike Nickeas singled with one out in the third.

Capuano rebounded from his worst start of the year in which he gave up six runs in four innings against the Marlins on Monday with seven solid innings. He gave up five hits and two runs, striking out six.

Castro had two hits for Chicago to up his NL-leading total to 186.

NOTES: Mets LHP Johan Santana will make another rehab start, either in the minors or in a simulated game in New York. Collins said "we have no plans to see him here" this season. ... Quade said the "medical people will decide what's best for" RHP Andrew Cashner, who was activated from the 60-day DL on Monday. Cashner (strained right rotator cuff) hasn't pitched in the majors since being injured on April 5, his only outing of the season. ... Cubs RHP Matt Garza (8-10) faces RHP Miguel Batista (4-2) on Sunday.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Saturday 10 September 2011

Inside Dasha Zhukova's Garage, Clyfford Still Museum Preview, Fashion and Art Get It On, and the Week's Other Top Art Stories (ARTINFO)

The most-talked-about stories on ARTINFO, September 5-9:

? With the 10th anniversary of 9/11 on the horizon, ARTINFO editor Andrew M. Goldstein interviewed Michael Arad about his austere Ground Zero memorial, deputy editor Ben Davis looked at the history of controversies surrounding "9/11 Art," assistant editor Kyle Chayka reviewed PS1's new "September 11" show, and assistant news editor Julia Halperin talked to art historian Simon Schama about his support of a contentious London tribute to the tragedy.

? Dasha, Dasha, Dasha! Tastemaker Dasha Zhukova about her new "Garage" magazine (with its racy Damien Hirst butterfly cover), while in St. Petersburg, the "art island" her boyfriend Roman Abramovich was creating started to come together.

? Gagosian gallery was cleared in the strange "debasement" lawsuit leveled at it by a woman ejected from an Anselm Kiefer show.

? ARTINFO style editor Ann Binlot took a look at Fashion Week's bout of pop-up shows at New York art spaces.?

? We offered a first look at the unique features of the soon-to-open Clyfford Still Museum in Denver.

? In the UK, the rivalry between Banksy and rival King Robbo got the documentary treatment.

? Some pretty well-known names in the world of art made custom work with the Polaroid GL10, to promote Lady Gaga's reimagining of the brand.

? Design lovers were already going wild for Missoni's new line of houseware accessories for Target.

? The Dia Art Foundation's planned return to Chelsea got even more interesting with its $11.5 million purchase of a space at 541 West 22nd Street.

? Noah Charney took a look at the wave of vandalism at historic monuments in Rome, including the Trevi Fountain and the Colosseum.

? Fashion maven Daphne Guinness, who loaned a large number of pieces to the Met's epoch-making "Savage Beauty," talked about the future of the show.?

? George Kuchar, icon of bad-taste cinema and hero to the avant garde, passed away.?

? Kyle Chayka talked to artist Jennifer Dalton about her buzzed-about show at Winkleman Gallery, in which she trains her wit on representations of women in the media.?



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Thursday 8 September 2011

Amazon site redesign is final puzzle piece for Kindle tablet (Digital Trends)

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?After HP?s TouchPad withered and died (before returning from the dead for one last wild ride) there were worries afoot that the tablet wars were cooling off before they even got hot. Now a fresh salvo has rocketed out of the cloud: Amazon announced today it is redesigning its site to be more tablet friendly. With Amazon set to release its Kindle tablet in the next few weeks, the coming redesign suggests the company is ready to put its full weight behind tablet computing.

It?s no light task changing up the world?s largest online marketplace. With the tablet market burgeoning and the smartphone market already a veteran force, it was probably about time for Amazon to polish things up. Kindle tablet or not, the iPad user base represents a huge market of shoppers that Amazon surely wants to court.

According to a Wall Street Journal report, the changes to the site?s home page include an enlarged search box and fewer buttons. There are larger white areas and less clutter, perfect for mobile users. So far, the redesign has only been rolled out to a small number of users.

Now, one certainly might wonder why Amazon would redesign their site to be tablet and mobile friendly when its already got a mobile app available. Judging by all the various kerfluffles this year over Apple?s App Store policies, Amazon may be moving away from Apple?s App Store altogether. And why wouldn?t it when it already has its own?

Amazon?s got one thing all tablet makers aside from Apple have lacked: a serious app and media store. Most tablet users prefer their devices for their ease of use, and as the iPad has shown, having a native app storefront can cut down on a lot of hassle. Plus, with Amazon?s massive customer base already identifying the brand for books and media, a full-on Amazon app store would have no trouble finding customers.

It looks like the final piece of the puzzle for the upcoming Kindle tablet, which is already expected to be a solid piece of hardware. The Kindle tablet will run a custom version of Android, and is likely to retail for $250. That?s well below the iPad2?s $499 starting price and probably right in the sweet spot of casual first-time tablet buyers. That, combined with Amazon?s shopping prowess, will make the Kindle tablet an interesting bit of hardware indeed.



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Wednesday 7 September 2011

Chiefs QB Matt Cassel may miss week 1 - Fantasy Sports

On Thursday night, it was reported that Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Matt Cassel only had the wind knocked out of him during the second quarter versus the Green Bay Packers. The actual diagnosis seems more dire. According to Kansas CIty radio host Nick Wright, Cassel has a cracked rib, and his status for week one versus the Buffalo Bills is uncertain. According to the Kansas City Star, head coach Todd Haley told backup quarterback Tyler Palko after the game, "You'd better be ready to play Sunday." FANTASY ANALYSIS: Again, here's another unconfirmed report about a quarterback's injury. If it's true, it's a big blow to Dwayne Bowe's week-one fantasy value, as the Bills present a good matchup for him. I figure we'll hear a lot more about Cassel's health during the week. But I have to wonder: If the rib is just cracked, isn't possible that he could wear a flak jacket or some other kind of protection and tough it out?
You want no part of Palko. He has thrown just six passes since entering the NFL in 2007.

Click to continue reading this fantasy sports article at FFToolbox NFL News and Rumors.



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Wales fan dies after assault reported at Wembley (AP)

WEMBLEY, England ? A Wales fan died after an assault was reported outside Wembley Stadium before Tuesday's match between Wales and England in the Euro 2012 qualifying, authorities said.

The London Ambulance Service said the 44-year-old man suffered a heart attack before kickoff outside the north London stadium and police confirmed that he later died in a hospital.

Six men, who police believe to be Wales supporters, were arrested in connection with the incident which is now being investigated by the Metropolitan Police's murder team.

The match went ahead, with England winning 1-0, and details of the incident emerged about two hours after the final whistle.

The emergency services were called to the north London stadium 25 minutes before the 7:45 p.m. kickoff.

Police said in a statement that officers were called "to an area outside Wembley Stadium following reports of an assault."

London Ambulance Service spokesman Alistair Drummond said its staff at the event "attended to the patient within three minutes."

"They treated a 44-year-old man who had suffered a cardiac arrest," Drummond said. "Extensive efforts were made to resuscitate the patient and he was taken to hospital."

The victim has yet to be identified.

"Police believe they know the man's identity, but await formal identification and confirmation that all next of kin have been informed," police said. "A post mortem will be scheduled in due course. Officers from the Homicide and Serious Crime Command are investigating."

Cardiff City confirmed that the victim also supported the Welsh capital club which plays in the second tier of English football.

"Late on Tuesday night, details reached us concerning a tragedy where a Wales and Cardiff City supporter died at the match between England and Wales," the club said in a statement on its website. "Out of respect for the family of the supporter, the sensitivity of the situation and until full details and circumstances are ascertained, no statements will be made until deemed fit by the proper channels."


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