Wednesday 14 September 2011

Impropriety Aside

Impropriety Aside
A Private RP between JW Reilly and Yolo


"Corporate Casual Day is a company event," Aurora had to keep reminding herself. "Nothing to be afraid of. You've been to plenty of these things, and this one will be no different." She took a deep breath and sank to her shoulders in the now rapidly cooling bath water. She always got nervous before these types of things. It wasn't as if she was afraid of anything, it was just that she knew there were going to be company heads there, and she would have to put on her best. Of course, for here there was no need to; she was fine with her current position, and she was confident that she would stay comfortable there for a while.

"Rory dear," she heard her boyfriend calling worriedly from outside the bathroom. "Are you almost finished?"

"Sorry, Matt. I'll be out in a moment!" she called back, lifting herself out of the water. She flicked a switch and the shower came on, rinsing the remaining suds from her body. Wrapping herself in a towel, she opened the door to find Matt standing there, looking as if he was going to simply explode.

"Oh, you could have just-" She started to say but was cut off as Matt pushed past her and slammed the door in her face. "-come in. I wouldn't have minded." She chuckled and made her way down the hall to the bedroom, shedding her towel as she walked inside and closed the door behind her. As she dressed in her underwear, she tried to find a comfortable frame of mind for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, she didn't have the luxury of bringing Matt along, as he would be visiting his family and she didn't want him to change his plans.

Ah, Matt. She liked everything about him. The way his blond hair shined in the sunshine, and the way he was always smiling. And the way he upgraded all the software on her computer the other day without me even asking, and the way he ... he ...

"Are you talking about me by any chance?" came a voice from the doorway, startling her out of her thoughts. Aurora turned to find Matt leaning against the doorway, smirking at her. She hadn't realized that she'd been thinking out loud. A bad habit of hers, that was. "Does my hair really shine in the sunshine?"

"Of course it does," She smiled, sauntering over to him and giving him a delicate kiss. "And thank you for the upgrade. I don't believe I ever said it." She turned back around and faced her closet, placing her hands on her hips. Matt came up behind her and looped his arms through hers, leaning his chin on her shoulder.

"What should I wear, Matty?" She asked him, closing her eyes and trying to envision the perfect outfit. It was casual day after all so she couldn't be too dressy, but she should be dressy enough to impress.

"How about that violet sundress you like so much? It looks great on you," Matt suggested, detaching himself from her and pulling the item of clothing out of the closet. "And you could wear it with those sandals your mother got you a few weeks ago." Aurora smiled. Another thing she loved about Matt was that he had an impeccable sense of style. I guess it helped that he grew up with three older sisters.

"You read my mind," she replied, slipping easily into the dress and searching around for the shoes in question. Matt gathered his clothes from yesterday as she rummaged through the drawers on her vanity table.

"Are you leaving me so soon?" she pouted, eliciting a chuckle from him.

"I have to go now. Otherwise, I wont be able to meet Kitty and Lydia at the train station on time," he said, walking over to her and pulling her into a hug. Kitty and Lydia were two of his sisters; the other, Elizabeth, was in Spain, shooting photos for a nature magazine she worked for. "I'll call you when I'm on my way back, okay?" His mother lived only thirty minutes away by car.

"I'll be waiting," she said, giving him a peck on the cheek so as to not smudge her lipstick too much. "Wish me luck."

"I'm sure you'll do fine, Rory," Matt reassured her as he made his way towards the door. "Any one who doesn't fall for your charm has got to have a bag of bricks for a brain."

"Wonderful," she thought as she watched him drive away. "I'll just have to make sure that I don't meet any suspicious looking bags of bricks."


The casual day was happening at A&M House, which was the A&M Inc's country house not too far outside of town. The company used it for training and conferences none of which she had ever gotten invited to, so she had never been there before, and as she got out of the taxi, she had to admit that she was pretty impressed.

"Fabulous Georgian architecture," she overheard someone say as they crunch past on the gravel drive.

She followed the sounds of music and walked round the house to find the event in full swing on the vast lawn. Brightly colored bunting is festooning the back of the house, tents are dotting the grass and a band is playing on a little bandstand.

"Aurora!" she looked up to see Liam Wiley advancing towards her, someone trailing behind him at a reasonable pace. Liam was a friend from work (his desk was just down the hall from his) and it made her happy to see a friendly face so soon.

"Liam!" she gushed right back, walking a few paces to meet him halfway. "Good to see you!" They shared a brief hug before she realized that the person who had been following behind Liam had now caught up.

"I'm Aurora," she said, holding her hand out to him. "Pleasure to meet you Mr..."

OOC: So here is the first post. I am not expecting yours to be this long (I kind of went wild with this). Looking forward to seeing what you have in store!


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