Sunday 11 November 2012

Best Credit Tips to Save Money - Credit Card and Finance Tips

Many consumers do not realize how a bad credit score can impact them in so many different situations.? Our credit score is used when we buy a home, sign up for a credit card at a store and when buying insurance.? The difference between a score of 600 and 700 on your credit report can mean savings thousands of dollars.? What are things consumers can to help improve their credit?

One of the most common trouble household?s faces is paying their bills on time.? In many situations funds are available but a consumer neglects to make a payment.? One simple way to avoid this is by establishing automatic payments from your bank account.? Setup payments during the month when you know you will have funds available.? This can be on the 1st or 15th of every month.? By doing this you will develop a strong payment history and improve your credit score.

Another good tip to follow is to understand ways your credit score is used.? A good example of this can be seen with how credit scoring is applied with car insurance.? In some states, such as California, credit is not allowed to be included as a factor in calculation your rates.? In other states, credit scoring will be a large part in determining how much you pay every month on insurance.? Since each state will have different rules it is important to review how credit will be used where you drive.? A good overview on credit and car insurance be found at Best Car Coverage.? The same can be said with insuring your home.? Each state will have unique rules to regulate how credit can be applied.

A final key tip is to get in the habit of requesting a credit report on an annual basis.? This will show the areas you can improve and also provide incentive to keep up a strong credit score.? The small extra time spent on credit should translate to savings as you look at the benefit of having good credit when you buy a home, shop for a car or buy insurance.

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