Tuesday 8 January 2013

7 Sure Shot Ways To Grow Your Business in 2013 - web design ...

There are many ways to grow your business online and boost your revenue this year. Some methods work better than the others. Putting the right strategy in place that achieves the best results for your business is not always easy.

This article offers insights into the most useful methods that are guaranteed to bring results.

Here are 7 sure shot tactics to grow your business in 2013. Whether you are just starting out or want to expand your existing business, you will find these tactics useful.

1. Improve Your Website

An effective website that delivers the expected results is integral to the success of your business online. A good website is more important for your success than ever before. Although most businesses know what is needed websites often get neglected.

Improving your website is vital if you want to grow your business in 2013. Make sure your website does not get neglected. This is the year to take a fresh look at your website and see how it can be improved. Make a list of what you want your website to achieve for your business.

Grow Business in 2013 - Improve Website

Here are some tips:

  • Make sure your website is responsive (mobile-compatibe)
  • Offer interactive features that boost visitor engagement
  • Add a blog to your website if you don?t already have one
  • Include calls to action on every page
  • Make your website trustworthy
  • Improve navigation and usability

Creating a professional website does not need to cost a fortune. There are many low cost website services that you can take advantage of.

2. Start Using Google Plus

If you want to boost your online presence in 2013, it is important to start using Google Plus and Pinterest along with the other social networks you already use. There is a very important reason why Google Plus is important. ?This is the only way to take advantage of the new Author and AuthorRank parameters introduced by Google last year.

Who author the content matters now, for ranking signals, and as a result no business that uses content marketing can now afford to ignore Google Plus. Many consider this to be the true purpose of Google Plus and one of the main reasons why it has become essential for every business to start using it.

Google Plus Page

3. Be Active On Pinterest

Pinterest is the fastest growing social network and is on its way to become the next Facebook or Twitter. If you want your business to grow in 2013, you should start using Pinterest today. In addition to being able to tap into the huge popularity of the site, your? business can also benefit from the improved performance that Pinterest offers when compared to other social networks.

Initial research indicates that Pinterest outperforms Facebook and Twitter on many aspects including referring new customers, buying potential of customers, ability to drive leads, and more. If you want to grow your business and expand your reach, sooner or later you will have to start promoting your business on the Pinterest.

Grow Business 2013 - Pinterest

4. Increase Your Blogging Frequency

Blogs have become a necessity for any business that is serious about succeeding online. Blogs improve your search engine rank, attract traffic to your website, establishes your business as an expert in its field, and generated more leads for your business.

It is important to update your blog regularly to get the most out of your blog. Posting at least 3 times a week is recommended although posting daily is even better. One of the best things you can do to boost your online presence of your business in 2013 is to invest more time and resources into your blog and posting more frequently.

Grow Business 2013 - Blog Frequency

5. Adapt Your SEO Efforts to Google?s New Ranking Method

The last year has seen significant changes in the way Google ranks websites. Recent updates to Google?s search algorithm, most notably the Penguin and Panda updates, have changed the way marketers do link building and SEO.

The old methods that worked before can now hurt your ranking. It has thus become essential for businesses to rethink their SEO strategy.? The emphasis on quality has never been more before.

Focusing on high quality one way links from authority websites, avoiding back-links from low quality sites, publishing quality content are some ways to adapt to the new changes.

6. Grow Your Email List

Although email marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote a business, it is often neglected by small businesses. A targeted email list of potential customers can be one of the biggest assets for any business. Not knowing where to start or failure to leverage your website to grow their email list are some of the biggest challenges that your businesses needs to overcome.

Implementing a strategy to grow your list fast is one of the best things you can do to grow your business in 2013.

Grow Business 2013 - Email Marketing

Here are some tips:

  • Start an email newsletter on your website
  • Offer an incentive to join your list e.g. free eBook or a 5% discount
  • Use an attractive sign-up form
  • Highlight the benefits

7. Focus on Content Marketing

Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing quality content that is relevant to your targeted audience. It is one of the most effective ways to promote a business and attract customers online. It is an essential component of any successful Internet marketing strategy today. A good content marketing strategy can provide a boost to your overall marketing efforts.

Grow Business 2013 - Content Marketing

Here are some tips:

  • Create a publishing schedule
  • Create a variety of content e.g. eBooks, blog posts, articles, white-papers
  • Distribute content on several external sites
  • Use your content to generate leads (use good call to action or embed lead capture form)
  • Publish frequently


Of the many strategies to grow your business in 2013, the above seven are the most effective and have the potential to deliver the best results. Whether you are starting a new business or expanding your existing one, you will find the above strategies useful.

What About You?

How do you plan to grow your business in 2013? Do you plan to take advantage of the above strategies? Please add your response by leaving a comment below.

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Source: http://www.kronikmedia.co.uk/blog/grow-business-sure-shot-ways/6493/

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