Friday 4 January 2013

Acid Reflux Diet And Preventing Nighttime Heartburn - alkuye

Article by Barry Lutz

Acid Reflux Diet And Preventing Nighttime Heartburn ? Health ? Supplements and Vitamins

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Acid Reflux Diet And Preventing Nighttime Heartburn

If you frequently suffer from acid reflux symptoms, then you know that they are usually worse at nighttime. But there are things that you can do about this ? here are some tips for acid reflux diet and preventing nighttime heartburn.

You have two key objectives from your acid reflux diet: (1) reducing the amount of acid content in your stomach from what you eat, by eliminating acid reflux trigger foods (2) reducing the amount of time it takes to digest your food, because this will require more acid to be made.

Now consider this in the context of nighttime heartburn ? dinner is the meal that is likely to have the most acid reflux diet problems, along with nighttime also being when you have additional habits that make the reflux problem worse.

Dinner is typically the biggest meal of the day, so by quantity alone it will take longer to digest the food. Then add to that the fact that this meal will probably be full of many of the foods that bring on heartburn. For instance, does this meal sound familiar: meat with a baked potato and sour cream, vegetables with a tomato sauce, chocolate cake for desert.

You have just eaten a meal that is essentially all acid reflux trigger foods, and then what do you do after eating? Now it?s time to go sit on the couch and drink a beer while you are watching tv, but alcohol and especially beer is very bad for heartburn.

And then since you are tired after a long day, a big meal, and your beer you lie down on the couch. Now the gravity that was at least helping to keep all that extra acid content in your stomach, is more easily able to move back into your esophagus and give you heartburn ? especially considering that beer has the tendency of relaxing a valve that is supposed to remain closed when you are digesting your food.

If you have heartburn problems that get worse while you are sleeping, then try sleeping on what is called an acid reflux wedge pillow. This is a pillow that has been specially designed for raising both your head and your torso in a way that can keep your stomach acid from moving up into your esophagus.

Do note that raising your head by sleeping on a big stack of pillows is not going to do the same thing. Besides probably giving you a bad stiff neck, you really need to have your body angle adjusted and not just your head raised, for this to be an effective solution.

Acid reflux diet and preventing nighttime heartburn is about making changes, both for the types of food that you eat for dinner and the amounts. Along with that drink plenty of water throughout the evening to help neutralize the acid, and don?t lie down for a couple of hours after you have finished eating ? this will all go a long way in preventing nighttime heartburn.

About the Author

Preventing nighttime heartburn can most effectively be done through acid reflux diet changes.

Come to our website to learn more about acid reflux diet, along with other tips and solutions for getting rid of reflux and heartburn

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whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Barry Lutz

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Originally posted 2012-08-17 20:51:34.


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1 comment:

  1. Great point on the need to establish an incline greater than a a stacked pillow. The best thing about a body wedge is that it can put your whole torso on a gentle incline that doesn't stress any part of your body, without making you feel like you're sitting up either.
