Friday 14 October 2011

Hunger Games v. Battle Royale?

Anyone obsessed enough with one has hopefully heard of the other. C: I myself fall into the Battle Royale spectrum of fans, but with the two fandom's similarities and growing rivalry it occurred to me THIS WOULD MAKE AN EPIC ROLEPLAY.

The plot would be as follows:

In the somewhat distant future of the world today, earth has been ravaged by war. Many of the few surviving countries, keen to avoid the oppressive fear akin to the Cold War, have mutually agreed to a policy of isolationism. The two largest remaining civilizations are both dystopian societies run by a dictatorship with a strict agenda of keeping to themselves, upholding the power of the government, and driving their own economies forward. Both are shining examples of what could be called "successful fascism". Their names? The Nation of Panem, located across what was once known as North America, and The Republic of Greater East Asia, located across what was once known as Japan.

Despite their upkeep of isolationism, information from each country has leaked through to both Panem and The Republic. They discovered that besides their totalitarian governments they share something else in common: an annual game of survival where randomly-selected adolescents are the combatants. The two proud societies challenged each other to a combined game with modified rules to suit each country, with eight teen competitors participating - four from The Republic, four from Panem - picked out by lottery but for one volunteer from each. Despite the two societies taking part, the game is a battle royale as usual: everyone vs. everyone, anything goes. The last to survive will be declared the winner, not only of the game but in the name of his or her country.

- As mentioned, there would be a modified set of rules for the game, a blend of both the Hunger Games and the Program. I already have them written out so if you have any questions feel free. :Db
- It would be an intermediate to advanced roleplay, so I'm looking for serious, decently experienced roleplayers and writers who can offer well-developed and interesting characters, good-sized posts, and dedication(one post in at least three days is my minimum).
- You don't have to have read either book or seen the Battle Royale movie to play, though it is recommended you've experienced at least one to get a feel for the roleplay. But hopefully between the plot and the rules/information I've constructed, it's not a must(though I would certainly recommend reading/watching anyway because they're awesome). n_n

So! Anyone interested~? <3


dear abby kate gosselin astaxanthin diverticulitis silhouette leonardo dicaprio the view

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