Monday 3 October 2011

Natural Science and the Bible | Noelle Brianne|Education Blog

Scientific Research Supports Biblical References in Scripture about Nature

By?ForestWander Nature Photography

McColloster (1996) suggests that these correlations reveal that science and religion can co-exist and help to build upon one another when one considers the context of facts and information (McColloster, 1996). Multiple discovered natural aspects are referenced throughout this paper from concrete sources which enhance the credibility of this research. Research sources include documentation from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) which provides a solid reference for a popular theory that, although not yet proven to be a law, certainly raises eyebrows when considering scriptures that have been read for hundreds or even thousands of years. This intriguing comparison is noted throughout this paper in both the Old and New Testament books of the Bible.

Science and religion are often areas of intense debate because of dogmatic unwavering views from either side of intellectual discussions. Although there is often disagreement between scholars and well educated theologians regarding the validity of scriptures and why humans exist, this research exposes the possibility that both the knowledge of science and the understanding of scripture can reason together. This paper will not explore such controversial areas of faith and belief, but rather provides a fact based comparative view of scientific research and Biblical writings.

Scientists and Religionists Can Agree

Many respected writers and well-read publications have made a comparison between science and scripture. In an article written for USA Today titled ?Creation ?Science? vs. Religious Attitudes? McCollister writes (1996), ?most scientists would agree with pro-evolution religionists that, when properly understood, religion and science enhance and complement each other, but only if the means, aims, methods, and ground rules of each are clearly understood.? (McColloster, 1996). Ms. McColloster is a freelance journalist and editor of Voices for Evolution, her articles have been published by notable publishers such as the National Center for Science Education in addition to USA today. McColloster?s peer reviewed articles and view points are recognized as an authoritative unbiased source dedicated to education and science.

When two areas of study provide information about similar subjects, it is logical to consider the material from both sources in a methodical comparison. Although science provides information as to?how?nature exists and functions, and the religious point of view is a theological answer as to?why?creation exists, valid scientific support can be recognized when the context of each source is considered. Ernest Lucas (2005) wrote in the journal of science and Christian belief that ?there is no incompatibility between the biblically-based classical Christian doctrine of creation and modern science, provided one understands the different levels at which science and theology work and the limitations this puts on each of them.? (Lucas, 2005, p. 140). In consideration of the credibility of Dr. Lucas? publications, The Faraday Institute (2009) wrote that ?Ernest Lucas has a MA in Chemistry from Oxford University and a PhD in Chemistry from Kent.? He then studied theology at Oxford and was ordained a Baptist, later obtaining a PhD in Oriental studies from Liverpool. ?Lucas was Associate Director of the Institute for Contemporary Christianity in London before moving to Bristol Baptist College, where he is Vice-Principal and Tutor in Biblical Studies.? (The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, 2009). Ernest?s diverse background in science and religion provides an expert reference from both an educated scientific and religious point of view.

The levels of information and the methods by which scientific and Biblical knowledge is presented may often seem difficult to comprehend. In order to understand the rationalization for science and scripture coinciding together, it is necessary to begin with some questions.

1.?Are there documented scientific facts of nature that support scriptural references to ?The Beginning? in the Bible?

2.?Is there specific scientific knowledge of natural characteristics that are evident in the Bible regarding the areas of matter, time, the weather, the Earth?s geology and human biology?

Science is a very diverse and in depth area of study and it would be seemingly impossible to cover every branch of research. As well, classic Biblical scriptures, some written hundreds of years ago, and others written thousands of years ago, all in different languages, make the Bible alone a vast area of study. In order to address this subject in a time efficient manner this research documents four basic areas of study. Research has revealed that scientific evidence supports Biblical accounts of the natural characteristics relative to the composition of the universe, the nature of time, the Earth, and human biology.

The Beginning: The Big Bang Theory Supports
the Beginning as Written in the Bible

The first area of research to address will appropriately be ?the beginning? of the universe and time itself. As each day passes the progression of time is evident all around, and the questions of when everything began, or has everything simply existed, has been a puzzle that scientists have researched for hundreds of years. Until recently there was only speculation and belief about a beginning of the universe.

In 2003 NASA revealed an amazing discovery about the beginning of the universe. Dan Vergano (2003) wrote in an article for USA Today titled ?NASA peers back to the beginning of the universe?. In this article NASA is noted for strengthening the Big Bang theory with a one hundred fifty million dollar project and?Charles Bennett of?NASA?sGoddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. is quoted stating ?Astrophysicists will no longer have?the?freedom?to?invent whatever theory they want about?the?universe,? Bennett says, ?We?ve ruled out a lot of?the?easy explanations.??(Vergano, 2003, para. 17). NASA is one of the world?s most recognized authorities on scientific exploration into the unknown. When comparing the science of a beginning to the Biblical account of a beginning, as written in Genesis ?In the beginning? (Genesis 1:1 KJV), it is easy to understand that there is a complementary correlation between the two areas of study. Scientific theory clearly supports the fact that there was a beginning of time and matter.

When considering the theory of the Big Bang it is logical that in the progression of time and natural order that the Earth itself would begin to form. (The theory about how fast the formation of the Earth took place is not addressed in this research, as this would incorporate areas of faith and belief. The focus for this research is directly related to facts and science.)

Once the Earth was formed it is safe to consider that an atmosphere and water developed and that certain areas of the Earth were covered in water and other areas were exposed as dry land. The scientific theory for a mass continent called Pangaea supports the distinct likelihood that a super continent existed. This one mass of land is theorized to have drifted apart according to the pre-existing theory of Continental Drift. However, in the past 30 years continental drift has been explained through the forces of plate tectonics which explain how the plates of the Earth?s surface move (Kious, Tilling, 1996).


The Beginning: The Theory of Pangea Supports the
Formation of Land on the Earth in the Bible

A very interesting correlation is able to be seen between the Biblical reference of the formation of a super continent and the supporting scientific evidence. As the scripture states in the book of Genesis ?Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters? (Genesis 1:6). In addition to this scripture we see also another scripture written which states ?Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear? (Genesis 1:9). In these scriptures we see a reference to a firmament and that the waters are gathered together into one place. This scriptural reference clearly is supported by the scientific theory of a single land mass and a single body of water.

The Beginning: Science States the Earth is Suspended
by Gravity as Written in the Bible

The forces of nature which formed the Earth are not only at work on the surface of the Earth, but the very planet itself is suspended by gravity, floating in the midst of space held by natural forces which are yet to be completely understood. According to the?U.S. Department of State?s Bureau of International Information Programs or IIP (2008) ?in 1972, astronauts on board?Apollo 17?captured the first full view of Earth suspended in space, exposed in full sunlight? (U.S. Department of State?s Bureau of International Information Programs, 2008). This wonderful picture clearly shows the Earth suspended in space as has been known and recognized for hundreds of years. This scientific evidence supports the Biblical reference to the gravitational forces of ?nothing? suspending the Earth in the book of Job (Job 26:7). It is quite interesting that this scientific evidence supports scriptures which clearly indicate that the Earth is suspended by forces which are not seen even with today?s modern advances in technology.

The Beginning: Gravitational Forces Affect
Celestial Objects in the Bible

The gravitational forces suspending the earth in the picture taken by the Apollo 17 astronauts affect all celestial bodies throughout the universe. The

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